Spain's City and Regional Apps

Let me know…
It's difficult to find city and regional apps with an English-Language option. 

If you stumble upon a city or regional app that I've not included here, 
I'd be grateful if you'd let me know!

—Jean Christie

Map Apps to View Cities and Regions

Apple and Google regularly add new and useful features to their map apps.
So rather than purchasing a map app, I suggest starting with the apps
that come with your iPhone or Android phone.
(iPhone users can also download the Google maps app.)

Play around with the features…there’s a lot to learn on both apps!
— Jean Christie

Apple’s Maps App and Google Maps


Province of León

The famous city of León is a popular place to take a day or two of rest while walking the Camino Francés.
León is located within the autonomous community of Castile and León.

León El Camino de Santiago


Apple App Store

Google Play Store
Note: reviews are based on the iPhone app

English-language information for eight Camino walking-stages that run through the province of Castile and León, including accommodation options. 

 To get the English-Language option, press "Ajustes" in the app menu, then "Ingles."

If you have the storage space in your iPhone, this might be a useful backup app (to your guidebook app, or a digital guidebook). 

The eight traditional walking-stages through Castile and León:

Sahagún to Mansilla de las Mulas

Mansilla de las Mulas to León

León to Hospital de Órbigo

Hospital de Órbigo to Astorga

Astorga to Rabanal del Camino

Rabanal del Camino to Ponferrada

Ponferrada to Villafranca del Bierzo

Villafranca del Bierzo to La Laguna

Apps for the Principality of Asturias

The Principality of Asturias is an autonomous region in northwest Spain. 

 Camino routes that run through this region:
Camino del Norte (the northern route)
Camino Primitivo
Camino del Salvador

Pre-Romanesque Art of Asturias


Apple App Store

Google Play Store
Note: reviews are based on the iPhone app

Extraordinary chapel and churches to see in the Asturias region. 

The app has basic descriptions in text or audio. You'll likely want to learn more. This app serves to entice...
Map links show you where the sites are. 

Play around a bit with the app, it's not the best user-friendly app. But you'll soon see how the few options work. 
The photos in this app are so beautiful that I want to go immediately to Asturias to spend time in these historic sites! 
—Jean Christie

AsturPlaya - Beaches of Asturias, Spain


Apple App Store

Google Play Store
This app is not available for Android.
But here is an Android-only
Asturias information app that may be useful)

Not just for beach bums!
Beautiful beaches to explore along Spain's northwest coast.
Lots of information, from beach access to transportation options to nearby services.
The app is easy to navigate. Beautiful photos will tempt you...

Parque de la Prehistoria


Apple App Store

Google Play Store
Note: reviews are based on the iPhone app

A guide for the Teverga Pre-history Park (in Asturias).
Despite the title of the app, there is an English-language option for the app.

Learn about the Palaeolithic period cave art,
and about the human beings who lived in this area nearly 10,000 - 35,000 years ago. 

That's older than me!
—Jean Christie

App for Muxía  

Muxía, like Finesterre, is a Spanish coastal town and a destination for many pilgrims after visiting Santiago de Compostela.



Apple App Store
Spanish-language only, but it has a decent map, with the locations and names of accommodations, restaurants, and other resources.

Google Play Store — not available at this time.
But Here is a Spanish-language information app for the town.

App for Villafranca de los Barros

A town on the Vía de la Plata route.

Villafranca de los Barros

Apple App Store - not available at this time.

Google Play Store

Spanish-language app: accommodations list and places to eat might be useful.